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Starting with The Pouakai, David is planning on bringing his world of science fiction and adventure to you with novels that amaze, intrugue, and evoke a sense of wonder.




IFWG Publishing

David's first novel, 'The Pouakai', is now available. An alien invasion technothriller seen from the viewpoint of an airline pilot, it's a fast-moving story of one man's journey into the remote islands of the central Pacific Ocean searching for the source of a new species of flying animals. These creatures have cut off the planet around the equator, and the world's economy is teetering on the the brink.

Also available at Amazon and all good online book stores.

Available in Kindle, Nook, Kobo, Apple iBook, and Epub versions.



David has written numerous articles for aviation magazines and newspapers, as well as writing & editing the in-house newsletter for his airline. Here are a couple of examples of his previous work.

Water, water everywhere

This article appeared in the February 2008 issue of Airways Magazine. It is a look at what is required to fly twin-engined airlines across the vast expanse of ocean between the U.S. mainland and Hawaii.

Change of Latitude

A more personal article, this appeared in the September 2005 issue of AOPA Pilot magazine. It is the story of David moving from flying large jets across the Pacific to a small commuter airline in Alaska. He was furloughed from his airline in 2003, and his job search led him to the distant tundra of the 49th state. The article describes what it was like making that transition, and some of the experiences he encountered in that distant land.

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